Thank you for visiting The Bossy Kitchen. I am happy to have you here.
If you have any questions before contacting me, please read the following first:
Site questions:
Guest Posts: At The Bossy Kitchen, I like to keep things personal and hands-on. I appreciate your interest, but I do not accept guest posts, whether paid or unpaid. My focus is on providing high-quality, curated content directly from me or my team. Please understand that I am unable to respond to any inquiries regarding guest posting, so please refrain from contacting us with questions on this matter. Thank you for your understanding.
Links: I prioritize maintaining the integrity of my content. Hence, I do not endorse paid link placements or engage in link exchanges for free products. My aim is to provide you with honest and unbiased recommendations, free from any external influences. Therefore, I am unable to fulfill requests for paid links or link exchanges.
Infographics: When it comes to my recipe posts, I prefer to focus on delivering content in a format that best suits my readers. Therefore, I am not interested in including external infographics within my site.
Product Reviews: I aim to provide you with authentic and unbiased content. Therefore, I do not accept free products in exchange for social media mentions or blog posts. My commitment is to deliver honest and trustworthy reviews based on my genuine experiences. Rest assured, any products featured on my platform have been carefully chosen and thoroughly evaluated.
Stock Photos: As the owner of The Bossy Kitchen, I would like to inform you that I am not interested in purchasing your stock photography or featuring your photos for free on my website. I am dedicated to curating original and authentic content that aligns with the vision of my brand.
Sponsored Posts: I DO NOT ACCEPT at this time any sponsored posts on my site. I receive too many emails inquiring about this type of work. All content on my website is my work.
Recipe questions:
If you have any specific questions related to the recipes, please ask under the Comment area for each article.
I would be more than happy to help you troubleshoot any issues you might have.
Comment policy:
- Please allow up to 24-48 hours for your comment on the blog post to be reviewed and approved. I do not tolerate insulting, inappropriate, or inaccurate statements, and they will not be approved. Additionally, comments with low ratings will not be approved unless you have actually tried the recipe.
- Comments containing links will generally not be approved. However, if the link adds value to the readers, the comment will be approved after removing the link.
For working with me please visit this Work With Me page.
For any other inquiries, write me at